Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Inspiring Lino Art

A few years ago my son introduced me to The Art of Lino Printing. His assignment was to produce artwork which depicted the souls of those who were in the concentration camps. Quite a challenge as it wasn't a very uplifting experience for his "being" but this is his depiction and I really love it. I am really wanting to have a try and have completed my first abstract drawing of a peacock ( will post soon ) I also loved these beautiful birds on my girlfriend's cups and thought I would like to do these too! See below.

Kyland's Art



  1. Wow he did a really good job! Bonnie just did lino printing last term and loved it, we are hoping to do some at home also.
    Are they Debbie's cups?

  2. Yes,I spotted them the other day when we were there for lunch. Aren't they gorgeous?! x


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