Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday's at Our Place

With the weather clearing and the birds a singing the kids have been venturing further a field and exploring the depths of our property. They rummaged through my store room, clippers in hand and cut away the wild blackberries to make a path down to the creek deep below. Their little adventures kept them occupied for many an hour and with fabulous results. They had made a narrow clearing down to the steep banks of the creek and Avalon, Mariah and Nikita with all of their roping skills divised a fantastic bridging system from tree to tree to help them navigate their way down and across to the other side where they have found a landing to build their little fortress in the weeks to come. Boy, I wish I was 12 years old again! I used to love building cubbies and getting all muddy and wet....guess that's where she gets it from and her funky friends in full co-hoots with her!

"Here we go mum"

Pathway back to house accompanied by cuts, punctures and bruises


Then it was cup stacking time

Once you start you can't stop


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