Sunday, August 14, 2011

addicted to GOTYE

DARK.....We've got it bad, real bad. We have been insanely addicted to these guys for some time now and what better way than to deliriously end our evening.


  1. I LOVE this guy too - he is just fantastic! And this new song he released with that chick is really good. My other fave is "Heart's a Mess" - have you ever seen the video for that? It is really, really cool. The one you have the link to above is great as well. His voice reminds me of a young Sting - do you think? Take care lovey xxxx

  2. Isn't he just divine! I don't think Aaron will mind me saying that. We fell in love all over again because he reminded us of our young "Sting" days, how uncanny! And those memories were oh sooo goooood! Love the other song too....
    Loving the book by the way, half way through. Can't wait for Saturday swiggles and giggles! xx

  3. I know what you mean about Sting.... very attractive man...(I aways thought my Pete looked like Sting ... so I'll say no more!!!)

    Looking forward to Saturday too & glad you liked the book - I just finished my loose covers for chairs so you can sit down!! xxxx


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